Top 5 Rules of a Cheat Meal!
Cheat meals are allowed and you can still reach your goals. Actually, they may be important in the journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Everyone believes that eating bad for one meal ruins your diet, but that is not true! One bad meal will not, I repeat, will not, make you gain weight back that you have lost, unless you do NOT know how to control yourself. Control is key!
Here are 5 tips to help you with cheat eating. They are very helpful and all extremely true and valid points to bring you a successful indulgent meal.
1. NO GUILT. You have to enjoy what you're eating! You made the choice to eat it, so savor the flavor and if you feel a little worse after it, make it up in your next workout. Do an extra couple of reps or run and extra half-mile. It's not the end of the world!
2. PLAN. If you plan when to have your cheat meals, you will less likely to cheat the rest of the week. For example, if you're going to cheat for Sunday dinner, make sure you tell yourself that when you go reach for that double chocolate chip muffin Wednesday morning...
3. PORTION CONTROL. This is a HUGE part of weight-loss and healthy living. You can be the healthiest person out there, but if you eat more than you should and don't control your portions, it will only negatively affect you. A cheat meal is a treat for you, its not a ticket for a junk food binge day. Be mindful of that, because even when it tastes really good, you shouldn't go for multiples.
4. LIMIT THE NUMBER. You should allow yourself about 2-3 cheat meals per week. This allows you to remain a healthy-eater, but not cut yourself out of real-life eating. If you always deprive yourself of what you want, you are destine to fail.
5. MOVE ON. So now that you have had your cheat meal, think about how great it was, but also think how great you look because of your change in lifestyle, to one that's healthier. Remember that once you have one bad meal, it doesn't warrant you to go off and revert back to your old, unhealthy ways. Love every minute of your meal, and when its over, its over. Move on and take it out of your thoughts, and replace those with how much you love the feeling after achieving a new PR at the gym. Those are my fav!
Follow these steps when having your cheat meal and you will learn to control yourself in a whole new way!
Stay Fit! XOXO