Wednesday, October 30, 2013


If you want something, you have to work for it!
The voice in your head can either be your best friend of your worst enemy during a workout. Sometimes this voice will push you through that last, seemingly impossible set, and other times it will tell you that you can't run the full mile, to stop at the half. That negative voice in your head is a LIAR! Don't listen to the negative thoughts its putting into your mind, as you push through your workout push out the lies.
The liar inside your head is ALWAYS wrong. It thinks it knows you, and wants you to take the easy way out. Overcome those lies and train your brain to think positively. You can do whatever you put your mind to. Train yourself to think positively and motivationally during a workout and I promise you will see major improvement. I know some workouts seem next to impossible, but they're not. You can complete it and you WILL look amazing at the end of all the hard work.
Fill your mind with positive energy. Some things I think about to get me through a hard workout are: how great I will look at the end of all my hard work, healthy and delicious recipes that I can make to stay on track and the reactions of my family and friends when I show off my new and improved fit body.
Yes, you're amazing, and yes, flaunt what you have. Walk in and out of the gym with more confidence each and everyday because you deserve to be recognized. You break through new barriers daily and make yourself both physically and mentally stronger each time you work toward your goals. So keep the lies out of your head, keep the positive energy flowing and show everyone what you can really do!
Stay Fit! XOXO


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