Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Healthy Halloween Fit Followers!

I know today is a very tempting holiday because of all the unhealthy candy that will be surrounding you, but don't cave! Don't let the candy haunt you like the ghosts of the night. Will power will be your bestfriend today, embrace your new, healthy lifestyle.

If you are able to control yourself and only have ONE piece of candy, do so. You don't want to restrict yourself because eventually, for the most part, you will cave. If you know that once you have a piece or a bite you won't be able to stop, don't even THINK about opening that candy. You don't want to backtrack on your hard work for a moment of sweet satisfaction. Usually, when I want something like candy, I don't act right at that moment. I wait, think and ask myself "Do I really want and need that?", like myself you will probably end up realizing you don't actually need or entirely want it at all.

Make a super delicious protein shake today, maybe even try to look up healthy ways to make it have the same flavors as your favorite candy. This will not only curb your cravings and satisfy your taste buds, but it will supply you with your nutrients for the day! Also, try to get yourself to the gym earlier in the day today. Your positive endorphins flowing after your workout will aid in helping you make healthy choices.

Don't think about this as a limiting and tempting holiday, think of it as a milestone. You've reached the point that you have found healthy more delicious than anything else, and that is the greatest part of it all. Go out, have fun but don't make unhealthy decisions you may end up regretting. Live Fit Forever!

Happy Halloweekend! Enjoy and flaunt your healthy self in whatever costume you may be wearing.

Stay Fit! XOXO

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


If you want something, you have to work for it!
The voice in your head can either be your best friend of your worst enemy during a workout. Sometimes this voice will push you through that last, seemingly impossible set, and other times it will tell you that you can't run the full mile, to stop at the half. That negative voice in your head is a LIAR! Don't listen to the negative thoughts its putting into your mind, as you push through your workout push out the lies.
The liar inside your head is ALWAYS wrong. It thinks it knows you, and wants you to take the easy way out. Overcome those lies and train your brain to think positively. You can do whatever you put your mind to. Train yourself to think positively and motivationally during a workout and I promise you will see major improvement. I know some workouts seem next to impossible, but they're not. You can complete it and you WILL look amazing at the end of all the hard work.
Fill your mind with positive energy. Some things I think about to get me through a hard workout are: how great I will look at the end of all my hard work, healthy and delicious recipes that I can make to stay on track and the reactions of my family and friends when I show off my new and improved fit body.
Yes, you're amazing, and yes, flaunt what you have. Walk in and out of the gym with more confidence each and everyday because you deserve to be recognized. You break through new barriers daily and make yourself both physically and mentally stronger each time you work toward your goals. So keep the lies out of your head, keep the positive energy flowing and show everyone what you can really do!
Stay Fit! XOXO


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A perfect and delicious post workout snack.

As a healthy, fitness driven individual you should know you are supposed to fuel your body with about 5 to 6 small meals a day, especially after a workout. I know after a workout you may not want to eat, thinking you will just negate what you just did, but you are wrong! You need to fuel your body back up and restore the energy used in your previous workout so you can do even better for your next one!

One of my favorite after workout snacks is peanut butter and banana. I am a peanut butter lover, so this is the perfect snack for me, and for all you peanut butter lovers out there, I have found the perfect snack for you! Both peanut butter and bananas may be a little high calorically, but that's not all its about, they are also chock full of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Peanut butter can supply you with protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B6 and many other important minerals. This super yummy food is also known to lower your risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. The high fat content in peanut butter shouldn't scare you away! The majority of the fats are heart-healthy monosaturated fats!

Bananas provides you with protein, fiber, lots of potassium and NO FAT, I repeat NO FAT! Woohoo! These healthy little guys don't only provide you with important elements, they can help you feel better. Bananas can help improve your mood and prevent against muscle cramps or symptoms of PMS. And girls, I know we need that sometimes!

These two healthy foods combined together can work wonders for you, and leave you feeling full and tastefully satisfied. They're not only delicious, but extremely easy to make and can always do the trick! To add even more nutritional benefits to your post workout snack, you can pair this combo with a glass of skim milk or a piece of whole-grain bread. Also, if you can, try to lean towards the more healthy peanut butters with less to no trans-fat and hydrogenated oil.

Try this snack for your next post workout and I promise you'll love it!!

Stay Fit! XOXO

Sunday, October 20, 2013

REST. Its part of every workout program!

Sometimes rest days can be a blessing and sometimes they can be a curse, but you must always remember, you need them. Resting is important to be able to move forward toward your goals. Although you may think so, your body isn't a machine, it needs to have a down day to recover and recoup for the next week of training.

My off day is Mondays because I am mobbed with classes all day, so I'm not focused on missing the gym, but I still have a 2 hour moderate cheer practice to keep me active. If you don't feel like totally giving up exercise on your rest day so something with little intensity. Maybe a nice walk in a park or gardening. You are still getting you 30 minutes a day of recommended exercise but you're not stressing your muscles that need recovery.

I know its discouraging to not have a nice, long, sweaty workout one day out of the week, but if you want to be successful in the future and reach all your goals, a rest day has to be added into your program. Although, always remember a rest day isn't a cheat day, still keep up with your healthy diet so you don't fall off the tracks of your progress.

Hope this helps!
Stay Fit! XOXO

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Anyone having a rough day today and struggling to believe in yourself? I sure am. Had a 6 hour non-stop cheer camp, which kicked my butt, but afterwards, I imagined my dream body and went a did a workout in the gym. I was feeling low and a little angry so I went down to the gym and sweat out all my problems.

When you struggle, you may want to give up, but don't! Just take the hour out of your day to get a great workout in, and it will not only boost your mood, but it will bring you closer to your goals. Don't ruin your dreams because of an off day, work through it and strive for your dream body.

Trust me, I know it is SO frustrating to work your butt off and continue to not see results, but I promise they will come. Keep up with your exercise, cardio and healthy diet and before you know it you will realize your whole body has changed.

Some things I do to motivate me are:
1. Set my lock screen phone background as an inspiring fitness quote, something that will keep me going. This will help because every time you look at your phone you will be reminded to keep your head in the game, stay focused and strive for success, your dream body.
2. Keep a journal of my diet, workout and feelings throughout the day about both. You will be surprised how much you look at this while reflecting and learning from your past mistakes. Maybe you had a bad diet day, and when you look back at the feelings you had about your diet that day it will make you not repeat that same mistake.
3. Talk to and motive myself. This can be done while looking in the mirror, pushing through a workout, making choices to eat healthy, or just in general whenever you feel it is necessary. When you look in the mirror and see some things you may not be completely satisfied with, tell yourself "In a couple months, you won't even recognize me, I'll be in the greatest shape of my life". When you struggling to finish your workout, and need something to get you through that last set of reps or quarter mile on the treadmill, tell yourself "You can do this! You've made it this far, finish strong!" And when you're choosing what to eat in your healthy lifestyle, tell yourself "Substitute the burger with a salad or grilled chicken, the only one your hurting is yourself if you don't". Like I said in my other post, a moment of satisfaction isn't worth running a long term goal.

Self-motivation, self-confidence and will power are the KEY to success. You need to know that you can do it, you are strong and capable. Get your mind involved, its not only your body that needs to change, its your mindset. You need to have a positive outlook, and think of the best and the ultimate goal, that "dream body". Keep your head up, you got this girl!

Stay Fit! XOXO

Friday, October 18, 2013

Any plans to go to a Halloween party?! Show up with a healthy treat that everyone will love!

I know parties tend to have unhealthy, quick-eat food, but it doesn't have to be that way with you there! Make a treat that you like, bring it to the party and you will have a healthy alternative to snack on rather than chips and candy. Also, everyone will be in awe from your creativity and Halloween spirit! OoOoOoOo

For the first treat, all you need to get at the grocery store or in your fridge is 1) baby carrots, 2) a tree of broccoli,  3) 4 slices of cucumbers and 4) dips of your choice. The idea of the whole platter is to be in the shape of  a pumpkin, so I suggest to put the dip and smile down first and then add the carrots around it. You can be super creative with the dips, either making your own or adding some store bought ones. I would add some ranch dressing in one, spinach dip in another and maybe peanut butter to finish it off. I know peanut butter is a little weird, but you would be surprised how the sweetness and crunch of the carrot go so well together! To finish it off, place the tree of broccoli above the carrots to make the "stem of the pumpkin". Wrap it up and stick it in the fridge until you are ready to bring it to your spooky bash, but be careful because the carrots may slide around!

The next one is for someone with more of a sweet-tooth! I would definitely recommend making these guys if your going anywhere where kids will be, they will love the sweetness of the fruit and the accessibility to hold the little ghost or pumpkin. All you need for these two sweet treats are 1) bananas, 2) chocolate chips (assorted sizes to get the full effect), 3) clementines and 4) celery. To make the ghosts, all you have to do is peel the bananas, cut them in half, and add the small chocolate chips for eyes and the larger ones for a mouth. To make this snack even healthier, I would suggest getting semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips rather than milk chocolate. To make the little pumpkins, peel the clementines and chop up celery to add a little stem in the middle.

VoilĂ ! Now you have some ideas for super cute and festive treats to bring to your Halloween party!

Comment with any other ideas! I'm all ears and am willing to share others!

Stay Fit & Festive! XOXO

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Never trade what you want the most for what you want at the moment"

Now that the cold weather is rolling in, I know it seems tempting to let go of your healthy summer habits and fall into an unhealthy lifestyle because lets face it, bikini season is over, and its now time for oversized sweaters and leggings that hide your body. But I am telling you, DON'T DO IT. I promise you will regret it.

I admit, I do have my days where I am so not into going to the gym or I just want ice cream and/or french fries, but then I sit down and think about it and realize these things only taste good for the moment you're eating them, but looking and feeling good lasts a lot longer. You need to convince yourself that the unhealthy choice really isn't worth it, of course every once in a while you can treat yourself, but once you fall out of your healthy habits, you make excuses to stay out. Don't make bad choices based on the moment, take a second and think about it.

Fall and Winter are the seasons to work your butt off so that you look like the girl on the front of Fitness magazine when the summer comes around. These seasons take away the fresh summer feel, your golden brown tan and the warmth of the sun, but leave you with 6 months to change your diet and lifestyle for the better. Don't wait until your New Years resolution to make a change, start TODAY! A habit takes 3 months for form but only a second to break, so stay focus and determined for 3 months and don't cave for a sweet treat.

You're in control of your body, especially when it comes to fitness, so if you want those perfect abs and killer thighs, start change today! Eat healthy and follow my blog for tips. You'll start seeing results very soon!

Stay Fit! XOXO